Super groovy! Love the overall progression of the main synth and the way it dances fluidly throughout the song. The drum kit, snares, shakers, and the the cowbell all delightfully placed in the soundstage really help the balance between the ears (on headphones), and keep things nice and separated to appreciate.
I really enjoy the piano backing too, a little recessed, which lets the synth really shine. Along with the few other instruments and effects that pop in and out of the different sections of the song.
The garbled staticky radio segments are really cool! Love how it adds this a "busy city at night" feel. The police are on the lookout for criminal scum, but here you are, just cruising down the road on a pair of skates under the streetlamps just enjoying the night.
Overall a super nice vibe. Energetic, but also laid back with a hip groove. Great work here!